AED PLUS: Il primo DAE con feedback RCP in tempo reale


  • The Compression Depth Indicator provides real-time feedback on CPR depth, rate, and release
  • 􏰀Voice / text messages for correct depth

Indicatore di profondità di compressione

  • The gauge shows CPR compressions

  • The markers indicate 5-6 cm


  • Incorporated into the internal sensor of the CPR-D padz® electrodes

Il design degli elettrodi in un pezzo unico assicura un posizionamento facile ed accurato

The design of the electrodes is in a single, original, piece, with many advantages, especially for the occasional rescuer:

  • Helps ensure correct electrode placement to focus energy on the heart.
  • The peel-in-place application helps prevent mishandling.

Un simbolo per la RCP

  • A large red cross shows where to place your hand according to guidelines during CPR compressions – easy to locate.

Lunga durata e costi di gestione più bassi

CPR-D Adult Electrodes last for five (5) years.
􏰀Uses less expensive, standard and readily available 123A lithium batteries that last 5 (five) years.
Would you like to know more? Contact us by email: commerciale@four.srl or call 039 9008863