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Milan – Pediatric Basic First Aid (Training in English) – Private Training

7 Giugno 2021-16:00 - 18:00

Part of our job is to provide adequate training in English for foreigner citizens that live and work in Italy: therefore, we are proud to deliver Pediatric First Aid classes in English. These classes are provided on request by Customers. FOUR is committed to deliver high quality training content as usual, but also to teach in another language than Italian, thanks to our AHA Faculty Instructors.

Pediatric Basic First Aid classes are 2-hours training, based on accidents prevention, emergency call, mild choking, severe choking (back blows and abdominal thrusts). Students will go through one hour theory class and then will practice on maneuvers. Classes are made of max 12 students and 1-2 instructors. For any request, please drop a mail to!

Et, pourquoi pas en Français? N’hésitez pas à nous demander votre cours de premier secours pédiatrique dans la langue de Molière! Envoyez un courriel à!


7 Giugno 2021
16:00 - 18:00
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St Louis Caviglia
Via Caviglia, 1
Milano, 20139 Italia
+ Google Maps